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Add Gosub / Subroutine / Function option.

ReplyThanks 2017/07/05 08:42:57 0 0


I would love to have a function option in botcheif.

So if I have a string 's_var' I can add an action with 's_var' as the string. Then run a defined function in the program.

It's like goto, except, goto is not easy, especially for modifying code. action numbers can change. Also, if you use the function many times you need to add a way to track where the goto came from to return back to the original code section. This will be a lot easier to make more complex programs.

2017/07/06 18:26:14

Very thanks for your suggestion.

We will take it into consideration, if our programmers can add it in the future, then we will update it asap. Please wait for the news.

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