Is it possible to make Multi-threading bots with different proxy's so each unique thread would have a unique IP?
So for example you could quickly generate accounts using unique IPs, or make a bot to generate fake website traffic or views etc.
Is it possible to make Multi-threading bots with different proxy's so each unique thread would have a unique IP?
So for example you could quickly generate accounts using unique IPs, or make a bot to generate fake website traffic or views etc.
When you run your bot, you can set a public proxy list and choose the use order of the proxies.
The second way: set a initialize variable for the proxy, then use ProxySet action.
Thanks, i am surprised this was not one of the available examples or as video tutorial because most of the bots online have this built in.
Usually every bot i have ever tried loads in a txt proxy list and also possibly user agent and referrer txt files also.