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Bot to click on ads?

ReplyThanks 2016/04/26 04:45:05 0 0

Is it possible with this software to create a bot that will auto-click repeatedly on a google CPC ad?

I would like to create something like this, that randomizes the IP each click.

Any advice would be welcomed :)

Thanks guys

We Are Legion
2016/04/27 02:44:09

Of course, botchief can do it.

But you need to use proxy to make sure that your ip is different for each click.

You can check these videos on this forum to know how to create bot. Of course, if you still cannot know how to create it, we can help you, but for the complicated bot, it is not free.

Btw, next time please post your thread on the right session. It will be more convenient for us to reply you more quickly

Wish you have a nice day!!

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